Night of Champions 2023

Night of Champions (2023) - Wikipedia

Live from the Jeddah Superdome in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Saturday May 27th 2023

Inaugural World Heavyweight Championship match: Seth Rollins vs AJ Styles

This match was a hell of a back and forth and a great way to kick off the show, on the highest of notes. Styles jumped on Rollins early with a dropkick out of the ring as he was distracted by the crowd’s serenading. This led to the beginning of a quick paced, back and forth exchange between the 2 men. Styles was the first to jump ahead early, hitting Rollins with a series of moves, including a springboard DDT for the first near fall. Rollins fought back in though with a counter into a buckle bomb, followed up by a frog splash for a near fall of his own as the momentum shifted his direction. Rollins tweaked his knee on a suicide dive to Styles on the outside and AJ was smart enough to quickly realize the dent in the armor of his opponent. Targeting the knee and regaining control, locking Seth into a painful calf crusher on the weakened leg at one point. AJ repeatedly attempted the Styles Clash onto Rollins while he had control, to no avail though, as Rollins would fight and find a way out each time. Eventually, he abandoned his patented maneuver and stole a move from Seth’s own playbook, connecting with a thunderous pedigree onto him for a very near 2 fall. Rollins then countered the attempted Phenomenal Forearm from a frustrated AJ with a super kick, but his knee gave out when he attempted his signature Stomp. Rollins wouldn’t let it keep him down for long though, connecting with a pedigree of his own onto Styles, before setting up, powering through the pain, and connecting a game ending Stomp to cement himself as the first new World Heavyweight Champion.

Result: Seth Rollins wins via pinfall and becomes Inaugural World Heavyweight Champion

Becky Lynch vs Trish Stratus

Becky’s personal beef with the veteran Stratus controlled her emotions through the early portion of this match as she jumped Trish early with heavy strikes. This momentum wouldn’t last too long though, as Stratus countered Becky on the outside, tossing her into the steel ring steps and taking advantage. Stratus fought Becky pretty dirty and viciously, relying on her trickery and underhanded tactics to keep advantage on the younger competitor in Lynch. Pulling her hair and prying at her face, whatever she could do to keep the upper hand. Stratus nearly scored a count out victory before Becky crawled back into the ring at 9, only to be met with a Chick Kick for a near fall. Later in the match, Lynch took advantage, bringing an onslaught of offense to Stratus before locking her in the Disarm-Her, causing Stratus to break the hold by tugging on Becky’s hair out of desperation. Lynch stayed on the offense, connecting with a manhandle slam for what would’ve been the win, but Trish was too close to the ropes forcing a break. As the women battled on the outside of the ring, Lynch in full control, she tossed Trish back in the ring to continue the punishment, only to be met by Zoey Starks who was hiding out under the ring. She attacked Becky before viciously dropping her face into her knee, bloodying Lynch’s nose in the process, and tossing her back into the ring. This set Trish up for her signature Stratusfaction for the pin and victory. Trish hadn’t competed in a singles match in 4 years to this point, so there were some minor slip ups it felt like throughout the contest, but the Hall of Famer put on a lengthy and impressive match up given the facts.

Result: Trish Stratus wins via pinfall

Intercontinental Championship match: Gunther (c) vs Mustafa Ali

A David and Goliath like tale yet again as The Ring General battled his much smaller, spunky, fan favorite, Ali in the Superdome. Ali tried to come at Gunther fast early on in the contest, momentarily catching him by surprise, but that wouldn’t last too long. Gunther regained control and began his punishing style on Ali, connecting with series of heavy chops to his opponent that could be heard bouncing off the walls of the dome and launching him into the posts with sets of vicious Irish whips. Ali wouldn’t back down easy though. Attempting to stop the attack of Gunther, he laid in series of chops of his own, turning the champ’s chest bright red before connecting with a sit out powerbomb and a 450 splash for a near 2 fall that had the crowd on their feet in shocked anticipation. Gunther regained control shortly after, battering his opponent to the ground and demanding he get up, shoving and stomping his boot into his back in the process. The champion’s confidence in the contest was nearly his downfall as Ali fired back to his feet with one last burst of momentum, slamming Gunther to the mat with a DDT and attempting another 450 to put the champ away. Gunther rolled out of the way this time though, connecting a shotgun dropkick on Ali before hitting him with a thunderous powerbomb for the victory.

Result: Gunther wins via pinfall and retains

Raw Women’s Championship match: Bianca Belair (c) vs Asuka

Asuka started this match fighting viciously and semi dirty as well, going for Bianca’s braid, tugging it and yanking her around the ring by it, infuriating the champion in the process. Bianca gained control shortly after and brought similar viciousness right back to Asuka. This was a hard hitting, back and forth contest that saw both women hitting some big moves along the way. Asuka connected with a top rope shotgun dropkick before attempting the Asuka Lock, but the champ rolled backwards on her for a near fall. Belair was back on the offense as Asuka backed into the corner in an attempt to create some space, luring Bianca in before attempting to spray her with her poison mist-but Belair was able to get out of the way in time, dodging it. This infuriated the champ as she went back to her power style, lifting and tossing Asuka around the ring before going for her KOD finisher, but Asuka was able to wiggle off her shoulders and roll to the ring apron for the moment. With the momentary time created Asuka spit and rubbed the excess mist from her mouth onto her hand before being grabbed by the champ yet again and drug back into the ring. Belair lifted Asuka back to her shoulders again, attempting the KOD, but Asuka took her hand and scrubbed the eyes of Belair, subsequently rubbing the mist into her eyes and blocking her vision. This allowed Asuka to wiggle off her shoulders and connect with two stiff kicks to the back of Belair’s head, putting her away and becoming the new Raw Women’s champ. This was a shocking end to the record-breaking reign of Bianca Belair, but a much-needed victory for the Empress of Tomorrow and I was pleased to see it as a long time Asuka fan.

Result: Asuka wins via pinfall and becomes new Raw Women’s Champion

Smackdown Women’s Championship match: Rhea Ripley (c) vs Natalya

This match started quick and ended quick. As soon as the bell rang, Dominik Mysterio hopped up on the apron, momentarily distracting Natalya from the match at hand and that’s all that the champ needed. Immediately pouncing on Natalya with a series of strikes, Rhea quickly tossed Nattie to the outside of the ring before throwing her maliciously into two sets of steel steps on the outside. Rhea tossed Natalya back into the ring before connecting with a signature Riptide for the pin and victory. This match was an utter statement by the champ, making quick work of the veteran Natalya, and on her birthday no less. Yeesh, brutal.

Result: Rhea Ripley wins via pinfall and retains

Brock Lesnar vs Cody Rhodes

Rhodes entered this matchup with a cast made of titanium, as said by the announcers, selling the storyline broken arm that Lesnar gave him earlier in the week. Rhodes tried to create space and find an opening on Lesnar early, dancing around the ring and making the Beast chase him down. This didn’t work though, as the Beast slowly closed the gap on Rhodes and began tossing him around the ring with various suplexes, Rhodes landing on his injured arm multiple times. Cody was able to find his opening after cracking Lesnar in the head with the cast, he began beating him down with the cast to inflict further damage. Rhodes built up a head of steam and barreled at his larger opponent hitting him with a Disaster Kick, a Springboard Cutter, and two Cross Rhodes and was poised for a third, hoping to seal the deal. Lesnar countered though, locking Cody into a Kimura Lock on the injured arm and even mounting up to inflict further damage. Rhodes refused to tap though, screaming in agony as he got to the ropes. A pissed off Beast then lifted Cody to his shoulders for his signature F-5, but Cody was able to wiggle out and hit a third Cross Rhodes on Lesnar for a near fall. As Cody looked to inflict more pain to keep the Beast down, Brock reversed into a thunderous F-5 on Rhodes, before Cody got the shoulder up at 2 on the attempted pinfall. A perplexed and angered Brock, locked Rhodes back into the Kimura, mounting up and really tugging on his broken arm this time. Cody still refused to tap, but he passed out from the pain shortly after ending the match.

Result: Brock Lesnar wins via submission

Tag Team Championship match: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn (c) vs Solo Sikoa and Roman Reigns

The match started with Zayn and Reigns, the crowd firmly behind Sami, chanting his signature “Ole!” chant and swaying around in their seats, giving this a real big fight feeling with the crowd fully invested. This overwhelmed and angered Reigns, who tagged in Solo before ever touching Sami, as he began pacing around ringside yelling back at the fans. The enforcer himself, Solo, overwhelmed Zayn with raw strength and power before Sami was able to get the tag into Owens. Owens and Solo had a nice back and forth exchange, each giving each other heavy blows before Sami got the tag back in. Sami was able to keep Solo at bay for a bit, but the viciousness and hatred the Bloodline shares for Sami caught up to him as Reigns and Solo began an exchanged beatdown on the champ, freely tagging one another back in to inflict more damage as Owens tried to power Sami on from the apron. Every opportunity Sami had to tag in Owens was stopped at the last second by Reigns or Sikoa as they continued to overwhelm Zayn with 2 on 1 attacks as the ref was distracted. Eventually though, Sami created enough of an opening to get a hot tag in on Owens, who came in with a head of steam. Putting boots and fists to Reigns before connecting with a pop up powerbomb and a frog splash for a near fall. Reigns fought back in though, connecting with a Superman punch following a Solo distraction for a near fall of his own. The two went back and forth for a while, with a really neat exchange as Owens hit Reigns with a Stunner but was clocked with a Spear by Reigns as he bounced off the ropes. Zayn and Solo both received hot tags as the tag champ dove at his larger opponent before connecting with a Blue Thunder bomb on the outside. Zayn tossed him back in, dodging a Samoan Spike and planting Solo with a Helluva kick for a near fall, broken up by Reigns. A brawl broke out between the two, leading to Reigns accidentally spearing the referee in the process. Zayn capitalized, hitting Reigns with his own Superman punch and sending him to the outside where Owens continued to beat him down and began clearing off announce tables before putting Roman on one. In comes the Usos, as they began beating down the tag champs and helping their Bloodline brothers. They laid both out with combination superkicks but apparently got too overzealous as they accidentally laid out their Bloodline brother Solo with one as well. This enraged Reigns, who reentered the ring, getting in both of their faces before shoving them by their faces and telling them to leave. Jimmy, who had had enough, cracked Reigns with a superkick of his own. This shocked brother Jey (and everyone else) as he attempted to calm down Jimmy, only for Jimmy to tell him that he was right all along before laying Roman out with a second superkick as he was attempting to get back to his feet. The Usos retreated back up the ramp, setting the champs up for a Stunner/Helluva kick combo on a dazed Solo for the pin and victory.

Result: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn retain via pinfall

Most forgettable match of the night: Rhea Ripley vs Natalya

I believe this match did everything it was supposed to do. Rhea continued her dominant heel run, making quick and easy work of her veteran opponent in vicious and somewhat slimy ways. But on a card that was pretty stacked in all honesty with some really good matches and exciting outcomes, it’s hard not to say that a match that lasted less than 5 minutes with only a couple moves hit in it was not the most forgettable. It was a blink and you missed it contest, as it was billed to be.

Best match of the night: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs Solo Sikoa and Roman Reigns

This was truly a tough pick to make. I honestly believe that the best overall wrestling match of the night was probably Rollins vs Styles, so I seriously contemplated giving them the nod here. I also debated on giving it up to Bianca vs Asuka as I was truly shocked by the outcome of that match and was beyond happy to see Asuka with the belt again. But how can you not give it to this match given the payoff we received? This Bloodline storyline has been boiling for years now and the cracks in the foundation have been getting wider and wider for months. This is the thickest and most invested in storyline in the business in probably years and we saw all the elements come to a head in the climax of this match. The Usos finally turned on Roman and the Bloodline in one of the more shocking moments in the PLE era’s history. It will be interesting to see the fallout of this match in the weeks to come. Will Jey abandon his brother and side with the Bloodline? Will Solo be frustrated and ready to leave Roman as well now as he begins to appear more unstable? Will the Usos continue to cost Roman for weeks or months to come? So much has happened and yet, still so much can happen. I can’t wait.