Money in the Bank 2023

Money in the Bank (2023) - Wikipedia

Live from the O2 Arena in London, England on July 1, 2023

Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder match: Ricochet vs Shinsuke Nakamura vs Santos Escobar vs LA Knight vs Damian Priest vs Logan Paul

The match started with a pretty funny spot as all 5 competitors immediately turned their attention to Logan Paul, beating him down in a 5 on 1 attack right at the opening bell, much to the pleasure of the crowd. Shortly after they all split up into their own duos, brawling each other on the outside as Paul attempted to sneak a quick win. Ascending a ladder on the inside of the ring, only to be quickly stopped and catch a 5 on 1 beating yet again. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?! The madness broke out shortly after, Ricochet dove through a ladder onto several people on the outside, and Paul followed up shortly after with a frog splash off the ropes onto Priest who was laying on top of a ladder suspended on the outside. The match (like many other Money in the Banks) was basically chaos with big spots sprinkled in throughout. Butch hit a moonsault off the top of the ladder onto a group on the outside, and Ricochet hit a sketchy looking Spanish Fly on Paul through a table as both were tripping and slipping on the ropes in the process, still looked neat though. With the crowd fully behind him, fan favorite LA Knight seemed to be securing his moment. Wiping out Butch, Escobar, and Shinsuke as they entered the ring before ascending the ladder towards the briefcase, only to be met at the top by Priest who flattened Knight with a wild looking Broken Arrow from the top of the ladder. Priest then climbed the ladder himself and grabbed the briefcase. Fun little hodgepodge of a match with some pretty neat spots sprinkled throughout. I’m interested to see where this win will take Damian.

Result: Damian Priest wins the Men’s Money in the Bank briefcase

Women’s Tag Team Championship match: Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler (c) vs Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan

Morgan and Raquel took the early advantage of the match, clearing Rousey and Baszler to the outside before Raquel powerbombed Morgan onto them both. Rousey and Baszler were able to regain control though, using their wrestling and submission superiority on Morgan, targeting her previously injured shoulder and keeping her isolated from her corner. Raquel was eventually able to make the hot tag though coming in like a wrecking ball and clearing house, powering Rousey and Baszler all over the ring. The champs were able to get things back under control after a few moments of attack by Rodriguez, forcing her to make the tag back into her partner Liv. Baszler had Liv locked in a Kirafuda Clutch but Liv found a way to escape before Rousey tagged herself into the match. This caused Baszler to boil over, attacking Ronda from behind and beating her down before walking out of the match. This set Liv up, who hit Rousey with the Oblivion for the pin and victory. This was a good wrestling match that felt like it was cut short by the Shayna turn, I expected that to happen between the 2 of them but not so quickly and so easily. Oh well, hopefully the 2 of them are able to put on a wrestling clinic with one another when they eventually face off.

Result: Raquel Rodriguez and Liv Morgan win by pinfall and become new Women’s Tag Team champions

Intercontinental Championship match: Gunther (c) vs Matt Riddle

Both men started the match laying in heavy strikes on one another until Gunther took over with his signature chops, laying into the chest of Riddle. Riddle’s offensive attempts were cut short by Gunther in the early goings as he’d target the injured ankle of Riddle, even removing some of the protective athletic tape in the process. Riddle was eventually able to fight back and produce some offense on the champ, hitting him with a Ripcord and a Floating Bro for a near fall. Riddle locked in a triangle choke on Gunther who was attempting a splash, but Gunther was able to muscle the challenger up before hitting him with a powerbomb and locking him in a vicious ankle lock, slapping and punching the injured ankle before locking it in deeper and forcing the tap out. After the match, Drew McIntyre returned to greet the reigning IC Champ in the ring. Gunther attempted to shove Drew away after a stare down before being hit with a heavy right and dropped with a Claymore from McIntyre. The match itself was okay, the ending was really neat but overall felt like it could’ve been better given the 2 competitors in it, but alas the Drew return was the high point of the segment setting up a match for them potentially at Summerslam.

Result: Gunther retains by submission

Dominik Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes

This crowd was popping for Cody, singing his theme word for word down the ramp and loudly cheering him from the get-go of this matchup. Dom tried his typical hit and run approach, landing quick blows on Rhodes and avoiding any more contact. This further frustrated Cody, who ripped the cast off his arm much to the shock of Dom, who attempted to run up the entrance ramp before being chased down by Rhodes and brought back to the ring. Dom just narrowly wiggled out of a Cross Rhodes before attempting to flee yet again through the crowd, only to be caught again and drug back to the ring by Cody. The momentary distraction from Rhea Ripley is what Dom needed to take over, sending Rhodes into the announce table off a dive and Irish whipping him into the ring steps. After a rather short burst of offense by Dom, Cody was able to counter the Three Amigos into a Disaster Kick which nearly won him the match. It did however set him up for a Cody Cutter and a Cross Rhodes which sealed the deal. This match was okay, nothing to be blown away by but it did it’s job exactly the way you’d expect from a matchup of these 2. I half expected a Brock Lesnar interference/beatdown in this that would cost Cody the match, given how strange and lopsided of a matchup this felt like to begin with but that didn’t happen. Guess we will just have to wait and see on that.

Result: Cody Rhodes wins by pinfall

John Cena surprise appearance

John Cena made a surprise visit! Telling the fans he didn’t know who was more surprised, the fans that he was there or him that the crowd actually cheered and chanted for him instead of booing and chanting that he sucks. Oh John, always the comedian. He then described that he was pushing for a WrestleMania in London and that was the reason for the visit. Grayson Waller interrupted shortly after to tear down Cena’s idea and the London audience saying that a WrestleMania in Australia has a much better ring to it. He even ever so graciously offered Cena a spot on the card as his special guest on “The Grayson Waller Effect” which John answered with an emphatic no. Waller then attempted to jump Cena only to be hoisted up on his shoulders and dropped with an Attitude Adjustment before Cena left the ring.

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder match: Iyo Sky vs Bayley vs Becky Lynch vs Zelina Vega vs Zoey Stark vs Trish Stratus

Trish and Zoey wasted no time, attacking Becky as she was making her way to the ring and the action continued from there. Damage CTRL members Bayley and Iyo worked together against Zelina on the inside, setting up a ladder in the process. A big spot came courtesy of Iyo who hit a moonsault from the top of the ladder onto everyone below, besides Trish. Stratus tried to take advantage of everyone being down, attempting to ascend the ladder towards the briefcase only to be caught by Becky and thrown to the mat. Becky, Trish, and Zoey then got their hands on each other yet again. Trish and Zoey beat down on Becky on the outside before attempting to handcuff her in the process, but she was able to fight back after only one wrist was cuffed. Becky then traded blows with Trish and Zoey before dropping Stratus with a Manhandle Slam onto a ladder on the outside. Zelina tried to take advantage of the distraction on the inside of the ring climbing a ladder towards the case only to be met by Zoey, Zelina flipped over Zoey off the top of the ladder hitting her with a Code Red onto another ladder suspended between the ropes. Really wild, scary, but awesome spot. Sky tried to climb the ladder only to have it pushed over by her own partner Bayley, knocking her to the outside of the ring. Lynch and Bayley battled back and forth on the ladder as they moved towards the briefcase, but reenter Iyo who used the other half of Lynch’s handcuff to lock Bayley’s wrist and pin both of their arms together within the rungs of the ladder. With them both stuck and unable to climb, Iyo climbed over her partner or former partner, Bayley’s back and grabbed the briefcase for the win. A really innovative, fun end to an exciting match with some big spots throughout. Excited to see Iyo’s eventual cash-in and where this will all lead between Iyo and Bayley.

Result: Iyo Sky wins the Women’s Money in the Bank briefcase

World Heavyweight Championship match: Seth Rollins (c) vs Finn Balor

Rollins started the match with the early momentum, hitting Balor with a suicide dive before beating him down some more on the outside of the ring. As they reentered the ring Balor took over, stomping into Rollins injured, taped up ribs and focusing on the weakness. Driving kicks and strikes to the torso area of the champ. Rollins fought back with desperation, landing a vicious clothesline turning Balor inside out but had a hard time capitalizing due to his injured ribs. Balor wouldn’t be denied, sticking to his gameplan and continuing to attack the weakened torso before attempting a Coup-de-Grace which Rollins avoided, planting Balor with a Pedigree for a near fall. Enter Damian Priest who jogged his way towards ringside with briefcase in hand creating a pop from the audience. With Rollins momentarily distracted with Priest, Finn pulled himself together, attacking Rollins ringside before hitting a Coup-De-Grace from the ring steps onto the champ. Balor tossed Rollins back into the ring and ascended the ropes for a game ending, final Coup-De-Grace but was distracted by Priest who lurked towards the ring looking like he was considering cashing in right there. Rollins capitalized, dropping Finn before hitting him with a Stomp for the pin. Balor and Priest argued at ringside after the match as Rollins walked off holding the title over his head. Simple enough match with the main focus being on Rollins injury but well wrestled throughout, no surprise there though, look who’s in the ring. Perhaps that’s what left me hoping for a bit more, but not everything can be a grand slam and there was nothing to really complain about in this match overall. The cracks are beginning to truly show in The Judgment Day though, we shall see if Finn and Damian can get back on the same page or if this spells the beginning of the end.

Result: Seth Rollins retains by pinfall

Bloodline Civil War: Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa vs Jimmy and Jey Uso

Solo and Jimmy started the match with Solo getting the better of the early exchanges with his strength advantage. Jimmy distracted the ref long enough for Jey to land a quick cheap shot and turn the tide momentarily. Reigns then yelled at Solo and demanded a tag into the match once Jey entered the ring, Solo looked frustrated but reluctantly gave him the tag. Boy, this crowd had it out for the champ. Spitting hostile chants at him like “Eff you Roman!” and “If you hate Roman stand up!” It seemed to distract him partially throughout the match but not in the opening moments, Roman dominated Jey for a moment before Jimmy got the tag and Roman had to retreat out of the ring to avoid a double superkick. Jey eventually got the hot tag from Jimmy after he suffered a double team from Solo and Reigns for a while, and bombarded Solo with quick offense. Roman stunted Jey’s offense with a pair of Superman punches before the Usos hit him with a double spear for a near fall. A brawl ensued between all 4 men until Reigns almost won the matchup with a Superman punch to Jimmy. Jimmy rebutted with a Superkick counter on Reigns attempted Spear but was caught by Roman in a guillotine choke after attempting a Splash. In the midst of the madness the referee got flattened, leaving him unable to make the count as Jey hit Roman with a 1D. Solo entered the ring with the ref down and him and Reigns began double teaming the downed Usos, hitting dual Rock Bottoms on them before dropping them both with Samoan Spike/Spear combos. Roman stacked the 2 on top of each other just as he said he would as the ref slowly crawled back into the ring and made the count, but the Usos kicked out. Solo crashed through an announce table ringside after attempting to Splash Jimmy through it, who moved out of the way. In the ring, Reigns hit a shattering Spear onto Jey and attempted the pin but Jey kicked out at 2, inadvertently hitting Roman with a low blow in the process. The Usos then hit Roman with a double superkick and Jey tagged back in to land a big splash onto him from the top rope scoring the pinfall and win. This marked the first time Roman had his shoulders pinned to the mat in defeat since December of 2019. An exciting match all the way through with high stakes and fantastic storytelling involved to keep you invested.

Result: The Usos win by pinfall

Most forgettable match of the night: Cody Rhodes vs Dominik Mysterio

This match just didn’t have a whole lot to bite into, it was the classic story of the mega-hero face and the chickenshit heel colliding but the actual action and the way the match played out left a little to be desired. Not that it was a bad match, just forgettable with the card that was around it. Maybe I was more disappointed as I was expecting a Brock Lesnar run-in of sorts as the match seemed too predictable without it, but that didn’t happen, and the match played out almost exactly how you’d expect not offering much in the element of shock or surprise. Gunther vs Riddle was also a top contender for this spot as well as that match didn’t offer much outside the lane of predictability either and was kind of slow at times and rather short, but the McIntyre return at the end of the match saved it from this position.

Best match of the night: Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa vs Jimmy and Jey Uso

It’s going to be hard for the Bloodline PLE matches to not take the spot as best match of the night for the foreseeable future when they’re on the card, just because of how juicy that storyline is and every match seems to lead to more fall out that just has me chomping at the bit for more. Seeing The Usos finally get their comeuppance on Roman as Jey pins his shoulders to the mat for the first time in 3 and a half years is a sweet image that will last in wrestling for a long time I believe. I expected the Usos to maybe get the job done, but through something screwy that costed Roman and Solo the matchup and maybe further splintered the Bloodline. I did not expect Jey to pin him in the middle of the ring cleanly and was pleasantly shocked and surprised by that outcome. Interested to see where this leads Roman and the Bloodline now after he was proven as beatable and if that win is enough to get the Usos in the title picture for Roman’s Undisputed Championship in the near future. I have to acknowledge that the Women’s Money in the Bank was also a top contender for best match of the night for me as well, there was a lot of really innovative action and big spots in that contest and the finish was very fresh and creative. I was thoroughly invested in that match as well. They just landed in a tough spot here because how can you not choose the Bloodline Civil War match given the history, the storyline involved, and the way things played out.